Implementing route optimization for improved client experience

Evosus®, an all-in-one ERP software provider, implements Google Maps route optimization for swimming pool, hot tub and hearth clients.


After over a decade of success with their first product, Evosus® identified an opportunity to advance its software and help clients further streamline business operations. Understanding that nearly all Evosus Legacy clients operated a service division, Evosus® recognized how significant it was to provide route optimization features in their products. To make this possible, Evosus® needed an external mapping solution that was powerful, yet easy-to- use.


  • Flexibility to make on-the-fly route changes

  • Optimizable routes to save time and money

  • Simple integration with other platforms

“When we have software demonstrations and talk about field service, Google Maps is a huge part of that story.”


“Any time we have questions, whether about cost or functionality, or if we need additional guidance, Woolpert Digital Innovations is available. They are a very good partner and we have been happy with their service,” said Dan McManus, President and CEO of Evosus®.


Implementing Google Maps Platform into Evosus Legacy was a no-brainer due to Google Maps’ familiar interface. Evosus® used the Dynamic Maps API to provide users with an interactive environment for viewing points of interest on dynamic, pop-up maps. Fast forward to fall 2019, when Evosus® explored the full potential of Google Maps Platform and integrated it into their newly developed cloud product, LOU. Unlike Evosus Legacy, which requires multiple windows to view data, LOU provides a seamless user experience via a single dashboard powered by Google Maps Platform. 

Additionally, the integrated Geocoding and Directions APIs simplify service scheduling and routing. “Routing is a big part of what we do, and Google Maps is a very important part of our application,” stated Dan McManus, President and CEO of Evosus®.

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