Business Challenge
misterb&b provides the LGBTQIA+ community with short-term lodging options in 135 countries. Dedicated to helping gay travelers find safe and judge-free travel accommodations, misterb&b recognized the value of integrating a mapping platform into its new, streamlined booking application.
- 200 countries with available accommodations
- 300,000+ listings worldwide
- 700,000+ users globally
“We would not be able to function as a business if we did not use Google Maps.”
Working With Woolpert
misterb&b Chief Operations Officer and Co-founder, François de Landes, stated that working with Woolpert Digital Innovations has been perfect. de Landes shared that his start-up company must make quick decisions based on quick responses. As a partner, Woolpert Digital Innovations provides misterb&b the level of response capabilities and service readiness it needs to succeed.
The Solution
misterb&b counted on Google’s reputation for advanced mapping and high-quality products to power its new travel management platform. misterb&b selected Woolpert Digital Innovations, a Premier Google Partner, to help implement the Google Maps Platform.
The familiarity of Google Maps enables users to easily find the short-term rental that best meets their needs. The Geocoding API feature enables misterb&b to pinpoint precise coordinates of available rentals within a specified area. Dynamic Maps displays these coordinates on a dynamic, interactive map.
Along with other solutions such as Time Zone API and Translation API that facilitate international growth, Google’s mapping APIs have become critical to misterb&b’s success. Travel enthusiasts can now enjoy a seamless booking process no matter where they are in the world—or where they are heading.